Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS)
Why are Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) Important?
Buildings typically waste 30% of the energy they consume. A clear and obvious way of reducing this waste, and improving overall efficiency and carbon usage is to explore the use of a BEMS. Utilising your existing BEMS or installing a new system can help to improve the overall building performance and offer energy savings of over 25%. Green Net Zero can offer you guidance and advice on how to best use BEMS.
When should I look to consider a BEMS upgrade?

Benefits of optimising your existing system with Green Net Zero
- We find that many of our customers’ existing BEMS solutions aren’t fully utilised or are out of date compared to the building usage. Optimisation of lighting, heating, cooling and ventilation all drastically improve the buildings’ overall operational efficiency, and reduce energy usage.
- With offices now at lower occupancy levels as a result of flexible working, time clocks and set points can easily be adjusted to ensure they’re only delivering the required duty at the right times. There can also be periods where energy suppliers offer an incentive for reducing energy consumption, which can again be incorporated into the BEMS system to provide a commercial incentive.
- Reducing the temperature set-point on HVAC systems can also have a positive impact on your energy usage and help reduce carbon. Reports suggest that turning down your heating by 1°C can save between 1-3% of your gas usage. The same can also be true of air conditioning systems, with a 6% reduction in energy usage for every 1°C increase in set-point. Typical set-points for air conditioning systems are between 20-21°C, some reports suggest that a “comfort level” of 24-25°C could be implemented, offering about a 24% saving on power.
Benefits of installing a new BEMS system with Green Net Zero

Through our key partners, we can provide a BEMS system that requires no upfront costs, instead, being provided as part of a monthly subscription service. This means your new system can be deployed faster, saving you money from day 1.
We can quickly and easily monitor, analyse, and optimise your energy usage at a granular level, and help you eliminate energy wastage. Because it delivers unparalleled data visibility it helps you unlock a wealth of important information. Thanks to this, you can identify where the most meaningful energy upgrades for your assets are required, which in turn allows you to make informed decisions and invest with confidence.
Measure and Manage usage
See electrical consumption for every minute of every day, from the moment you start the service.
Manage your business gas consumption at site or sub-meter level. For legacy buildings, this will help identify actual usage for heating and hot water production and provide accurate data for future upgrades to renewable heating systems.
Measure water, whether it’s hot or cold, site or sub-meter level. You can even monitor individual taps, toilets, and showers.
Energy Generation
Monitor solar PV, CHP, generators, battery storage and any other form of electrical generation technology you can think of.
Measure the temperature of your offices, data centres, swimming pools, immersion tanks and fridges – even the water from your taps!
Watch every circuit in your building and see exactly what it’s costing you, from a light fitting to a production line.
Capture, visualise, respond
By capturing and visualising live, granular energy consumption data, you can generate detailed, actionable insight. This vital data can then be used to underpin your future energy strategies, manage consumption, reduce spend, and improve your overall operational efficiency.
Simplified data
We simplify the data and insight gathered by delivering easy-to-use visualisation and analytics software. In addition, an intelligent AI-enabled analytics platform delivers automated consumption reports with actionable insights, direct to your inbox. This can be easily accessed or circulated for operational directors, asset operators, engineers, analysts, and data teams to review in real-time.
Capturing and visualising live, granular energy consumption data
By using energy metres you can generate detailed, actionable insight. This vital data can then be used to underpin your future energy strategies, manage consumption, reduce spend, and improve your overall operational efficiency. In conjunction with our partners, we can offer an unlimited number of metres, seamless integration to existing BMS and IT infrastructure, compatibility guaranteed, fully secure, bank-grade encryption: ethernet, WiFi, 4G. Amazon Web Services provides the highest possible service levels. These metres are all designed and created in the U.K.