Education Energy Survey
UK Schools and colleges represent around a quarter of the UK’s public sector carbon emissions, which reinforces the government’s instruction to drive the sector towards net zero by 2030. Most school estates are dated, in poor condition and thermally inefficient. Many schools have seen funding provided by schemes such as Salix’s Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme to help them towards their decarbonisation journey, however, more can be done. For schools, it can be a daunting task to know where to start the journey and to clearly understand the energy-saving measures that may be suitable. It is also important to understand the commercial implication of installing solutions and the funding that may be available.
Green Net Zero can help. Working in partnership with Warneford Consulting, we combine to deliver our Stage 1 Decarbonisation Plan: Energy Audit, which collects, collates, and analyses each education establishment’s current energy use and existing built environment building performance, before providing recommendations, return on investment and funding routes. These are presented in a way that’s accessible to all members of the decision-making process. We advise schools and colleges on our methodology but are always flexible to exactly mirror our client’s specific needs. Our reports are concise and provide a blueprint that can be used on your estate’s journey to energy efficiency and decarbonisation.
A fabric-first approach is always encouraged to ensure the building is as efficient as possible, well insulated, and ventilated with heating systems optimised and controlled correctly. The temptation is to often install energy-efficient systems in old buildings that are draughty and have spatial restrictions. We do realise however that existing carbon-intensive assets may be at end of life and require replacing before fabric works are undertaken. Our reports also consider this approach to ensure a long-term decarbonisation implementation.
The biggest challenge facing us on our journey to decarbonisation is our dependence on fossil fuels to heat our buildings and hot water. Many educational establishments require additional electric supply capacity before they shift to electric alternatives. The Stage 1 report will consider these limitations and provide an options appraisal considering these technical limitations, in the most commercially considerate way possible. The system must fit the school or college and not the other way around.
Many of our school estates are struggling to plan their decarbonisation journey, with the end destination being energy efficient, low carbon, positive environments for students and staff. Pulling on our collective sector experience and reputation, we will make sure your energy and sustainability strategy is built on accurate information.

The government are on a mission to lead the education sector towards zero carbon emissions by 2030. This is because UK Schools and colleges represent approximately a quarter of the UK’s public sector carbon emissions. The majority of school estates are dated, in a bad state and thermally inefficient.
A lot of educational establishments have received funding offered by schemes such as Salix’s Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme to support them towards their net zero journey but still more can be done. At Green Net Zero we understand that it can be an overwhelming prospect for schools and colleges to know where to begin the journey to decarbonisation and to recognise the energy-saving measures that might be appropriate. We can also explain the commercial benefits to educational establishments of installing solutions and the funding that may be available in the form of grants etc.